Bluetooth earbuds? Who doesn't want them?! I, personally, have a bluetooth headset that I'm absolutely in love with. You should check it out here! So, I got this bluetooth headset for my dad. He's always been pouty that I claimed the first one before him so I thought I would surprise him with this one! Plus, he only wears earbuds and I don't so it's perfect for him! He stole the box from me as soon as it got here and he's had them ever since!

I think it would be best to let him tell you about them! You can see his review below:
I have wanted a bluetooth headset ever since my daughter bought one. She absolutely loves hers and I've wanted my own to see if they were really all that nice. When I got lucky enough to be offered this Aduro bluetooth wireless headset at a discount in exchange for my honest and unbiased review, I was very happy. I know it said to charge before using them but I couldn't resist trying them for just a couple minutes before putting them on the charger.
I always use earbuds so I'm very used to them. But, if you're not used to them, they might be a bit uncomfortable at first. Once you get used to them, they are very comfortable. It was a little strange wearing something around my neck because I normally don't but this wasn't bad. Once I got used to it, I actually didn't notice it was there at all. It's very light weight and the way it can be adjusted makes it comfortable around anyone's neck.
All the control buttons are on the necklace part of the headset. Once side has the fast forward and rewind button as well as the play and pause button. The other side has the volume buttons and the telephone button. There's also an on and off switch so you can turn the headset off and conserve it's power. It takes a little practice but it's not hard to figure out just where these buttons are and be able to push them without looking.
The sound is also very good for earbuds. I use iPod earbuds that are better than any other earbuds I've ever tried and these are just as good as those. They don't sound muffled or like you're listening to them through water. I haven't experienced the sound cracking or anything like that. As for connecting, I had no issues. I turned on the bluetooth on my ipod and it found the headset right away and connected without a glitch. Now, they connect as soon as I turn them and my bluetooth on. Overall, this an amazing headset that I would recommend to anyone looking to buy one! You won't regret it!
I received this product either complimentary or at a discount for product testing purposes and my honest and unbiased review. All thoughts expressed are my own and in no way swayed or falsified.
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