Ok, first, I'm going to get all the technical stuff out of the way. This is on the box but, if you were ever curious about how to use one of these, keep reading. This is how to operate this french press, I do not promise this will work with ALL french presses but I can't think that they would be much different.
This french press is very easy to use, however. You just need to follow a few steps. First, heat your water. I heated mine in my tea kettle. While the water is heating, remove the plunger from the carafe and measure out your coffee or tea. Do not put the plunger back in at this point. Once your water is heated, leave it sitting for 15 seconds. After that, fill your carafe to an inch below the top, pretty much where the stainless steel band is. You need to stir your coffee or tea for 15 seconds before leaving it to steep or brew. That is so the coffee or tea will mix with the water. After that you put the plunger back on top of the carafe but DO NOT push it down yet. Leave your drink to brew or steep, 2 to 3 minutes for coffee and 1 to 7 minutes for tea. After that, you slowly push the plunger down to separate the drink and grounds and you're ready to drink!
The coffee that I made was a little... okay, a LOT strong but I had followed directions... almost. See, I accidentally put in heaping teaspoons and not regular teaspoons. Don't make my mistake! Still, my parents drank it! They said, besides being strong, it was very good, smooth and rich. It's not as convenient as a regular coffee maker but it makes better quality coffee, even using the same grounds you use in your coffee maker! But, I would suggest not leaving the extra of your coffee or tea sitting too long. Even though you've pushed the plunger down, the coffee and tea is still brewing and steeping. If you were to, say, come back to it in an hour, it might just be a LOT stronger than you intended it to be.
No, that's not said from personal experience.
The only thing I surprised about was that I thought the plunger would go all the way to the bottom of the carafe. It doesn't. It stops around an inch above it. That doesn't really matter but it's just something to know. Cleaning this french press is very easy! It only took me a couple minutes. Just use soap and water to clean off the grounds or tea and leave it out to dry. The last thing I want you to keep in mind is that this french press says it makes 8 cups. It makes 8 FOUR OUNCE cups, meaning it really makes 4 cups. But, the box does clearly say that their cups are based on a four ounce serving size so it is NOT false advertising, it's just something to keep in mind.
Overall, I really love this french press! It's a wonderful product and makes delicious coffee! I would definitely recommend it to anyone looking for a french press! Go ahead and click that link up there and get one, you're only a couple days away from a better coffee and tea drinking experience!
I received this product either complimentary or at a discount for product testing purposes and my honest and unbiased review. All thoughts expressed are my own and in no way swayed or falsified.
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